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Annual Report 2023

Dear Friend in Christ Jesus,
Your prayers and supports made a difference, and God listened! Please explore our annual report by clicking the below link to see how your prayers helped change lives, grow churches, and bring hope to communities. Your prayers matter – see the amazing things they’ve done!

Newsletter Jan. 2024



By God’s grace, the inauguration ceremony of Patna City Church took place on October 22, 2023, in Patna, Bihar, led by Rev. Dr. E.A. Abraham. This rented space marks the commencement of the Patna City Project, which is envisioned to have its own land and building. Your prayers for the success of this initiative are greatly appreciated. Please read more about the project by clicking this link and find ways to participate.

Newsletter Nov. 2023

Newsletter Oct. 2023


OCTOBER 6, 2023

A  report on our collective commitment

The Hope India Mission Board Meeting was held at the Hyatt Hotel in Charlotte, North Carolina, on October 6, 2023. This significant event was a culmination of collective efforts, dedication, and the grace of the Lord.

Board Members and Ambassadors: Board members from various parts of the United States and our distinguished guests gathered for this important occasion. The board consisted of Jon Bourgain and John Manta from Denver, Colorado; Roger Muselman and Naomi Muselman from Indiana; Karen Thomas from Kentucky; Aaron Ensley from Michigan; Norman Wretlind, Bob Williamsen, Terry Oldham, and Jim Kniffen from North Carolina and Abraham Elavatta from India.

In addition to the board members, we extended invitations to 15 dear friends from across the country, who served as Ambassadors for this meeting.

The Meeting Highlights: The entire board and Ambassadors arrived a day earlier, on October 5, to ensure that our meeting on the 6th would be a resounding success. The board meeting commenced at 9 AM and concluded at 11 AM. We can proudly say that our board meeting was a great success. We came together, shared our experiences, insights, and fervent dedication to the mission’s cause.

Reports and Gratitude: Elavatta Abraham, the President of Hope India Mission, presented the annual report, outlining the incredible progress and the impact of our mission. Roger Muselman, our dedicated treasurer, submitted the financial report, shedding light on our responsible stewardship.

Our board chairman, Jon Bourgain, chaired the meeting with utmost dedication and commitment.

Other Developments: Following the board meeting, we all enjoyed a delightful lunch. However, our day was far from over. At 2 PM, we visited Billy Graham’s library. This experience left a profound impact on all who were present.

Later, at 6 PM, we had a fellowship dinner at the residence of Bob Williamsen, one of our board members. This occasion was a perfect way to wind down, sharing a meal and pleasant conversations.

We are pleased to announce that our annual ministry budget for 2024 has been set at $992,000. This budget will enable us to continue our vital work in India. We humbly request your prayers for God’s guidance, protection, and provision as we move forward.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our board members and Ambassadors who made this event so memorable. Special thanks go to Terry Oldham and the dedicated North Carolina teams for their relentless efforts in organizing this wonderful gathering. We praise the Lord for His abundant blessings on Hope India Mission, knowing that with your support and prayers, we will continue to make a meaningful impact in the lives of those we serve.

Newsletter Sept. 2023


Expanding Our Mission: Reaching Unreached and Telling the Untold in 13 States with 40 New Missionaries

Missionary Commissioning: Empowering a New Generation of Ambassadors

Hope India Mission marked a significant milestone on August 18, 2023, as we commissioned 40 dedicated missionaries to spread the message of hope and love across 13 North Indian states. This event was not just a mere ceremony but a profound recognition of God’s calling and the relentless pursuit of His mission.

40 for 40 Expanding Horizons

This commissioning was unparalleled in our history, with 40 new missionaries stepping into 40 distinct mission fields, echoing the call to reach the unreached. Their commitment and willingness to serve are testaments to their  faith and dedication.

A Time of Equipping and Transformation

Prior to the commissioning, these missionaries underwent rigorous training at Hope India Mission’s Theo-Tech Institute in Patna (Bible College & Missionary Training Institute). Here, they were equipped with theological knowledge, practical skills, and spiritual strength to face the unique challenges of their respective mission fields.

Diverse Backgrounds, Unified Purpose

These 40 missionaries come from diverse backgrounds, yet they share a common purpose: to illuminate the lives of those who have not yet heard the message of Christ’s love. They hail from different states and regions, people groups, uniting under the banner of Hope India Mission to bring about transformation in their communities.

The Urgency of the Mission

In regions often referred to as the “Graveyard of Missionaries,” these brave individuals accepted the challenge to tread where few have ventured before. Their mission fields encompass remote villages, tribal communities, and densely populated cities, where they will share the Gospel and demonstrate Christ’s love through their actions.

A Vision of Hope

As we look to the future, we envision these 40 new missionaries as beacons of hope in their mission fields. Their presence will not only introduce the message of salvation but also inspire positive changes, bringing hope to countless lives.

Standing in Unity

This commissioning event was a testament to the power of unity and collective purpose. Hope India Mission, alongside its supporters, sponsors, and well-wishers, is committed to standing beside these missionaries, providing them with prayer, guidance, and the resources they need.

A Call to Prayer

As these missionaries embark on their respective journeys, we ask for your prayers. Pray for their safety, strength and wisdom. Pray for open hearts and receptive communities. Together, let us intercede on their behalf, knowing that through prayer, we play a vital role in this transformative mission.