Since its inception in 1984, HIM has been a steadfast companion to thousands of underprivileged and needy people in India. Through our dedication and hard work, we have witnessed the reunification of many broken families, provided relief to alcoholics and drug addicts, and offered newfound hope and purpose to numerous youngsters. The very villages and areas that were once plagued by abuse, robbery, fighting, and violence have transformed into centers of care, sharing, and fellowship. These remarkable community transformations are the result of visionary leadership and the wholehearted commitment of our Chief Functionary, Rev. Dr. E. A. Abraham, along with his dedicated social work team. HIM's social development initiatives have not only motivated but also challenged individuals to attain physical, mental, and emotional well-being. We have successfully trained numerous full-time social workers and hundreds of volunteers who are actively engaged in various villages across North India, making a meaningful impact on the lives of countless individuals.